Windows 7 pro eom iso文件下载


Singleimage bin - PadaniaCoop

All Windows 7 ISOs are the same except for one ei.cfg file in the \sources folder which decides which version will be installed - if you simply remove that ei.cfg file from the ISO using your favorite ISO editor before burning it to disc, then when you run the install, a menu will appear to let you pick and choose the version of Windows you'd like to install: aka it becomes a "universal" installer disc. Just pick OEM Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1 x64 (Dell OEM) : Microsoft : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1 x64 (Dell OEM) Item Preview. 81moCmQRYDL._SX679_ (1).jpg. remove-circle. Share or Embed This Item. EMBED.